Woodstock TimeBank Second Anniversary Party

Jul 6, 2009

Woodstock TimeBank Second Anniversary Party, “Potluck and Possibilities”, for existing members and potential new members. Music, raffle drawing, food. Show up, set up, clean up and earn hours. Please bring a dish for 6. Friday, July 10 6-9pm at St Gregory’s Church on Rte 212. Call 679-0903 for more info.

What is TimeBanking?

TimeBanking is a great way of bringing people together to build community: helping others while helping yourself. It is a “Currency of Caring”. It’s a very simple idea.

For every hour you spend doing something for someone in the community, you earn one Time Dollar/Hour. Then you have a Time Dollar to spend on having someone do something for you.

Yet, it also has profound effects. TimeBanks change neighborhoods and whole communities. (see New Economics Foundation report on Ten Years of TimeBanking in the UK, pub Nov., 08). After 20+ years, TimeBanking is a social change movement in 22 countries and six continents.

More info:

PO Box 783
Woodstock, NY 12498

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