Winter Workshop Series For Home Gardeners

Feb 7, 2009

Starting February 12 – Winter Workshop Series For Home Gardeners Returns in 2009
Four fun and informative seminars to choose from

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County Master Gardener Program is offering a series of workshops during February and March to help the avid home gardener get prepared for spring.

Classes will be held on Thursdays February 12, February 26, March 12 and March 26. All classes will be from 7:00pm to 9:00pm at Ulster County BOCES located at 175 Rt. 32 in New Paltz. Participants may choose the class or classes they are most interested in or sign up for the entire series. The fee for individual classes is $15 or $50 for all four. Class sizes are limited. Pre-registration is required five days prior to each class.

For more information call Dona Crawford at 845-340-3990. General class information and registration forms and can be downloaded on the Cornell Cooperative Extension Ulster County website under the Master Gardener Program section at

General Class Information

Thursday, February 12, 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Composting and Soil Composition
Learn the simple fundamentals of recycling organic materials and gain an understanding of the nature of your soil. Both are keys to creating the best growing conditions for your garden. Instructors: John Deatcher and Frank Almquist

Thursday, February 26, 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Ground Covers – Garden Enhancers & Problem Solvers
Low maintenance, environmentally friendly, ground covers offer diverse beauty. Learn the benefits of ground covers resulting in less watering, less mowing and more time to relax and enjoy your garden. Instructor: Barbara Bravo

Thursday, March 12, 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Spring Planted Bulbs
Not to be confused with hardy bulbs which are planted in the fall, this class will focus on what spring planted bulbs are and how to grow them and save them when winter comes again. Instructor: Barbara Vermeulen

Thursday, March 26, 7:00pm to 9:00pm
What’s Bugging My Garden?
Not all insects are bad. Learn how to identify the most prevalent and trouble-some ones, how to interpret the damage they cause and how to lessen their damage using the latest Integrated Pest Management controls. Instructor: Loretta Campagna

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