Winter Markets

Dec 25, 2008

From Eat Local Food

The Community Indoor Farm Market: (This market is supported by Eat Local Food) In respect for all markets in our immediate area, and to provide more convenience and connection for both farmers and consumers, the Community Farm Market will be held on the 3rd and 4th Saturday of the month beginning in December. Along with the local food vendors we are also planning on providing music and workshops as well.

The Market Pledge: Eat Local Food pledges that at this Farmer’s Market the whole food items and the main ingredients of the prepared food items offered for sale have been grown and/or raised within 100 miles from the point of purchase. (Please Note – Farms and businesses within a 30 mile radius of New Paltz will have priority and the spaces will be filled in the order in which they are received).

Where: Robins Market, Route 32, New Paltz
When: (3rd and 4th Saturday of the month) 9:00am to noon
December 20 and 27
January 17 and 24
February 21 and 28
March 21 and 28
Workshop Schedule: CLICK HERE

For General Information and Vendor Applications:
Billiam van Roestenberg – Market Manager
845 883 7004
For Workshop Organizing and Community Outreach:
Anne Rogers
845 255 0087
Lauren Tamraz

Looking forward to a whole lot,
Eat Local Food Volunteers – Rosalyn Cherry, Sharon Richards, Billiam van Roestenberg, Anne Rogers, Dave Rogers, and Lauren Tamraz

Rosendale Indoor Farmers Market:
Next indoors winter markets are on April 11 th and May 2nd, 10 AM to 2 PM. 2010 summer season will run from June 6th through the end of October, 9 AM t0 2 PM. All are at the Rosendale Community Center (1055 Rt. 32, Ros., NY 12472). Friend us on FaceBook for more info. on all these events. Questions? Call Dennis at 339-0819 or Annie at 658-3467.

Saugerties Holiday Indoor Markets:
The Saugerties Farmers Market has announced that it will be extending its season to continue indoors, featuring holiday markets from fall through spring. Starting Sunday, November 23, the Saugerties Farmers Market will provide patrons with the opportunity to enjoy locally grown holidays year-round! Please join your neighbors, local farmers, and craftspeople as we welcome the holiday season with hot coffee, snacks, music, good cheer, and the best and freshest local foods you can find.

Where: Saugerties Senior Center
When: Sundays, from 12-4pm.

Thanksgiving, November 23
Christmas/Hanukkah, December 21
Martin Luther King Day, January 18
Presidents’ Day, February 15
St. Patrick’s Day, March 15
Easter Market, April 5

Contact Information:
Judith Spektor, 246-6491
Sue Rosenberg, 246-3449

Winter Sun Farms Indoor Market and CSA pick-up:
Winter Sun Farms will again sponsor its wonderful Winter Market in New Paltz during each of the share pick-ups. It will feature many of our farm partners and friends offering even more Hudson Valley products.

Vendors include:
Taliaferro Farms
Four Wind Farms
Phillies Bridge
Veritas Farms
Acorn Hill
Conuco Farms
Bradley Farms
Pika’s Quiches
Threshold Farm
Wild Hive Bakery
… and more!

Where: Deyo Hall, Broadhead Ave. New Paltz, NY.
When: (2nd Saturday of the month)10:00am to 3:00pm:
December 13th
January 10th
February 14th
March 14th

Contact Information:
Jim Hyland: 255-1699,
Mary Woodburn: 594-3876,

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