Volunteers needed for 4th Annual Family Caregivers’ Conference

Apr 25, 2010

Ulster County’s 4th Annual
Family Caregivers’ Conference

Supported by the Office for the Aging & NYSOFA

June 4, 2010 from 8 AM – 3:30 PM

Honors Haven Spa and Resort, Ellenville, NY

$15 per person includes breakfast & lunch

CONTACT Jewish Family Services for more information

Office: 845-338-2980
Fax: 845-331-4875

Volunteers needed to help with materials preparation at the JFS office in Kingston in 2-3 hour shifts the week prior to the conference, and to assist with setup, registration at the Conference. If you can help please contact Ginny at 338-2980.

We look forward to seeing our circle of caring friends again this year!

[si-contact-form form=’1′ message=’RSVP to volunteer…’]

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