Unison Arts Center – Volunteer Reception

Mar 12, 2009

Unison Arts Center
Volunteer Reception – This Friday, March 13th 4-6 pm, at Unison.

Do something fun and help Unison this season.
Volunteer to help at a performance. You will get a free ticket to the show and Unison will gladly use your support for the evening. If you haven’t volunteered in the past, this is the perfect time to start! Find out about the different and fun volunteering options, have first pick at the spring events, enjoy the wine and food, and of course, the camaderie! Volunteers make it possible to “staff” many of their events, so this spring they need you more than ever.
PLEASE RSVP to 845-255-1559 or to Slade@unisonarts.org

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PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331 info@ulstercorps.org