Get Involved!

Dec 6, 2009

UlsterCorps Needs YOUR Help!
Join our community of Ulster County residents who are reaching out to help people and projects in need:

Subscribe to our e-news:

UlsterCorps continues to grow each day with exciting new opportunities. We are seeking individuals who want to join the UlsterCorps core community and help us build a culture of service. Below are some ways you can help UlsterCorps directly:

Action Alerts:

  • Sign up to receive our Action Alerts, urgent last minute requests for assistance from local agencies. You can opt to receive alerts relating only to a specific skillset or the interest.

Join our Glean Team:

  • Harvest fresh produce donated by local farms (gleaning)
  • Pick up and distribute produce to our community’s food pantries, shelters and feeding programs
  • Help with processing produce so that it can be frozen and distributed throughout the winter
  • Help out long-term at your local food pantry
  • Help prepare & deliver meals to the homebound
  • Donate produce from your farm or garden directly to your local food pantry, or call us for help with distribution
  • Purchase a share from your local CSA to be donated to your local food pantry

Join our Glean Team and be a part of this fun and rewarding project! Email to sign up or call us at (845) 481-0331.

Join our U-Team:

  • The UlsterCorps U-Team provides qualified volunteers the opportunity to serve in rewarding short-term, and often immediate, assignments throughout Ulster County.
  • U-Team members function together as an active and dedicated cadre to help meet community needs. As a U-Team member you’ll receive notifications of diverse short-term volunteer projects and events that need your skills and experience.
  • Learn more by contacting Beth at 845-481-0331 or email

Join our Volunteer Coordinator Team:

The goal of this program is to build a corps of volunteers who can help agencies coordinate short and long term events and assist with key aspects of volunteer management during a disaster, including operating a volunteer reception center, placing spontaneous unaffiliated volunteers, and inter-agency coordination. This program is being developed in response to repeated requests from agency partners who have few paid staff and do not have the resources to effectively coordinate volunteers internally. The corps of Volunteer Coordinators would:

  • Communicate with partner organizations about their services, volunteer needs, timelines and resources available
  • Help recruit volunteers (with support from UlsterCorps & Agency Partners)
  • Attend planning meetings and help identify tasks, volunteer descriptions, knowledge, and skills needed
  • Speak with past event coordinators regarding lessons learned
  • Respond to inquiries from volunteers and project partners & assign volunteers to specific appropriate tasks & shifts
  • Communicate the details (ex. tasks and timetables) to the volunteers
  • Orient volunteers and communicate timeline for the event
  • Manage volunteers and tasks and make any needed adjustments volunteers and tasks and make any needed adjustments
  • Oversee event setup & cleanup
  • Contact or 845 481 0331 to sign up or learn more

Join our Tech Team:

  • Volunteers needed to help us maintain, update and improve our website – training provided
  • Bloggers, tweeters, or Facebook pros also needed to help get the word out about upcoming volunteer opportunities
  • Contact or 845 481 0331 to sign up or learn more

Assist with Seasonal Community Collaborations:

Additional ways you can help:

  • Joining one of our committees – volunteer outreach, agency outreach, fundraising & marketing, technology
  • Grant and fundraising research and writing
  • Designing & posting flyers of upcoming events & opportunities
  • Donate – Your generosity keeps this vision alive and strong!
  • Telling friends and colleagues about UlsterCorps and helping us build a culture and spirit of volunteerism in Ulster County

To learn more, contact us at, 481-0331.

Map of Volunteer opportunities

Volunteer opportunity Map

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List a volunteer opportunity and find great volunteers by joining our 100+ partnering agencies.

Contact Us

PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331