UlsterCorps Open House

Jun 4, 2010

Moving in to the new Storefront for Service...

Moving in to the new Storefront for Service...

Saturday, July 24th, 11am-1pm
292 Main Street, Rosendale – Map

Please join us for our monthly Open House at our Storefront for Service, 292 Main Street in Rosendale. Stop by to meet others dedicated to serving our community and learn about upcoming events, long and short term volunteer opportunities best suited to your availability, interests and skillsets, and how you can help our community. If possible please bring a non-perishable food items such as pasta, dry milk, cereal, and canned goods (please NO glass).

Agencies, if you’d like to stop by to drop off wish lists, flyers or tri-folds, or just say hello and meet our wonderful, growing community of potential volunteers, you’d be very welcome. We’ll have tables with brochures from as many local service agencies as possible and flyers about upcoming events in need of volunteers posted in the storefront windows for passers by, as well as copies of our flyers listing volunteer opportunities from agencies throughout Ulster County.

Volunteers perusing local agency literature table

Volunteers perusing local agency literature table

Hope to see you all there!

Volunteers welcome to assist with compiling & updating wish lists, extending Storefront hours, and transportation. 481-0331.

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Map of Volunteer opportunities

Volunteer opportunity Map

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Contact Us

PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331 info@ulstercorps.org