Ulster Literacy Association’s Scrabble Tournament

Feb 3, 2010


ULA Scrabble Tournament March 11th

Thursday, March 11th, 2010 6-9pm
at the United Health Group Cafeteria
505 Boices Lane Kingston, NY

Meet Author and Writer Martha Frankel, Guest Host

First game starts at 6:20pm. Each game last 20 minutes. ULA’s special tournament rules are on the reverse of this sheet—save it, and please read before the tournament. Have Fun, Win Prizes, Enjoy Refreshments

Proceeds support ULA’s mission to provide adults with free effective programs in the reading, writing and communication
United Health Group, Ulster Savings Bank, The Chamber of Commerce of Ulster County and our other generous sponsors.

Volunteers needed to help hand out letters, sell tiles, distribute food, set up game tables, and register participants the day of the event.

Thank you Event Sponsor’s and Supporters!
United Health Group
Chamber of Commerce of Ulster County
Ulster Savings
Keegan Ales
Martha Frankel
Assemblyman Kevin Cahill
ULA Tutors and Volunteers!

Ulster Literacy Association, 480 Aaron Court, Kingston, NY 12401
Questions? (845) 331-6837

Download Flyer/Registration Form

General Rules for the ULA Unofficial Scrabble® Tournament on March 11th, 2010
We will follow the basic rules of Scrabble® and refer to the official Scrabble® player’s dictionary or the top of the
game box when in doubt.
All words must be spelled correctly. If your team has a word that you are unsure about, you may ask for dictionary
confirmation from a dictionary person for $5.
Blank tiles can be used at the price of $5 per tile. Two per game.
Word waiters will be available to sell letters at $10 for each tile.
Each game round is 20 minutes. We will issue a one minute warning. At the end of each round, the team with the
higher score will continue competing with other winning teams until, after 4 rounds, the finalists are identified.
When the round is completed and scores are finalized, please make a 10×10 square from your letters to be sure
your team is not missing any letters.
The Judge’s rule is final.
Declaring a Winner: The team with the most points at the conclusion of 4 rounds of play will be the grand winner.
Have fun! We do not allow stressing out!

ULA Tutor Training Workshops
Saturdays, March 13, 20, 27, 2010, 8:30 – 3:30
Tuesdays and Thursdays, April 13, 15, 20, 2010, 8:30 – 3:30
480 Aaron Court, Willowbrook Park, Kingston, NY 12401

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