Ulster Literacy Association Volunteer Tutoring

Feb 26, 2025

People who choose to volunteer with Ulster Literacy find an opportunity to engage in an immensely helpful and satisfying endeavor. Our tutors, like our learners, come from a variety of backgrounds and have many reasons for joining us. They all want to help others!

No teaching experience is necessary. If you are interested in sharing your love of reading and writing with an eager and motivated learner, then we can use your help.

Tutor Training is now 100% online. After you complete a 12 hour virtual curriculum, we invite you to a zoom meeting with other volunteers. This two hour session presents information about our organization, reviews lesson planning and tutoring requirements, and answers your questions about the matching process.

We provide a special opportunity for seniors

Ulster Literacy Association is the RSVP station of Ulster County – the Retired Senior Volunteer Program. This is a federally funded program under the Corporation for National and Community Service. As the RSVP of Ulster County, ULA provides volunteer opportunities for our retired and/or senior residents. With tutor training sessions throughout the county, older volunteers can conveniently tutor close to home. Tutoring helps build strong bonds among neighbors by sharing the many skills, talents, and wisdom our older volunteers have acquired. Many of our tutors report feeling less isolated and more creatively engaged in their lives when they join other RSVP volunteers for parties, in-service trainings and recognition events.

Requirements to be a tutor

To become a tutor, one needs to be a high school graduate or hold a High School Equivalency Diploma and be 18 years of age. New tutors complete a certification course before being paired with a learner. Ulster Literacy Association’s certification of new tutors carries with it accreditation by ProLiteracy Worldwide (a merger of the former organizations Laubach Literacy Action and Literacy Volunteers of America). After completing a 20-hour, nationally certified training course with ULA, each tutor’s background and preferences are considered when creating a match with a learner.

We ask that each tutor commit to a year’s service, if possible.

Learners and tutors typically meet once a week for at least an hour in the ULA office, at their local library (ULA has its own office at the Kingston Library), a church, community center, or diner.

No teaching experience is necessary. If you are interested in sharing your love of reading, writing and language with a motivated learner, become a part of Ulster Literacy Association.

To get started, please call our office at 331-6837 to register for an upcoming Orientation, or email us at info@ulsterliteracy.org.

More info: https://ulsterliteracy.org/volunteer/

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PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331 info@ulstercorps.org