Ulster Literacy Association Tutor Training Workshop- 7/28-30

Jun 8, 2009

The ULA student waiting list has reached 100! This means all these folks are waiting patiently to meet a tutor and get started on building their reading, writing and conversational skills. We really need volunteers and have a new training scheduled:

July 28, 29, 30, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. There is a $20 materials fee.

Call 331-6837 for more information.

This workshop is to train adult volunteers to work in a one-to-one tutoring situation with adults who want to improve their reading and writing skills. To be a tutor one needs to be a high school graduate or hold a GED. The workshop will include methods and materials, cultural considerations, and discussions concerning the typical needs of persons seeking literacy assistance.

We also conduct a jail writing project once a week in the County Jail as well as the Family Literacy Center here on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. We need volunteers to help with these projects as well.

There is a fee of $20.00 to cover the cost of material and handouts. This is due at the time you sign up for a specific workshop. See Tutor Application form below to mail to us, or just give us a call at 331-6837.

The first half hour of the workshop is structured to give information and answer questions from prospective tutors so that there can be a clear understanding of what the workshop and the tutoring will entail. After that the workshop officially begins for those who choose to go forward toward becoming a tutor.

After the workshop, the ULA office will help tutor-student pairs find a mutually convenient public place to work together. It is expected that the tutor will meet with the student once or twice a week for about 1½ hours at a time. Meeting times can be weekdays, weekends, days or evenings; arrangements are made to fit both the tutor and the student’s availability. It is hoped that the tutor will tutor for at least a year. Many people thoroughly enjoy tutoring because the work is very rewarding, interesting and satisfying. The workshop also gives an opportunity to meet others who share that interest in volunteer work.

Volunteers also needed to cover the front desk, handle the phone, and other office tasks.


Ulster Literacy Association
635 Broadway
Kingston New York 12401
10am-3pm, Mon. through Fri.
Phone: 845-331-6837
Fax: 845-331-8455
E-mail info@ulsterliteracy.org

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