Ulster County’s 11th Annual Donations of Dignity – Personal Care Drive October 1-31 2009

Oct 1, 2009

Suggested Donations:
toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap,
shampoo, diapers, razors,
deodorant, laundry detergent,
cleaning and personal hygiene supplies

Why A Personal Care Drive ?

Imagine being hungry, but also unable to purchase soap,
shampoo, deodorant – even diapers for your baby.
Food Pantries, Soup Kitchens and Emergency Shelters struggle
during difficult economic times to provide basic, necessary
nutrition to children, seniors and working families.
Personal care, cleaning and hygiene items are taxable
and cannot be purchased with food stamps.

How Can I Help?

– Adopt a Pantry, Kitchen or Shelter
– Ask your organization, school, friends,
employees or house of worship to help
– Announce the drive at your meeting or
in your newsletter
– Put out a posted collection box in a
high-traffic area
– Be the first to make a “Donation of
– Call one of the area coordinators in this
brochure for ideas and suggestions
– Invite a Donations of Dignity volunteer
to speak at your next meeting!

Food Bank Hunger Statistics
36 % of people using food pantries have at least one adult in the
family working. Their median income is $750 a month
57 % of these people live below the federal poverty line
75 % are food insecure, meaning they do not know
where they will find their next meal
28 % experience hunger, meaning they are completely
without a source of food
27 % receive food stamps
37 % have to choose between food and utilities
30 % have to choose between food and housing
23 % have to choose between food and health care
62 % are Caucasian/white, 20 % are African American,
16 % are Hispanic and 2 % are other racial or minority groups

Inadequately or malnourished infants
and children are apt to have both learning
problems and more illnesses. These usually remain
lifelong complications that can’t be ’made up’

Local Food Pantries, Kitchens & Shelters

Family’s Shelters:

Domestic Violence Shelter 331-7080 x127
Please leave a message for Kathleen Moretti

Family’s Darmstatdt Residence 331-1395
Thomas Street, Kingston

Family’s Inn 340-1847
Thomas Street, Kingston

Family’s Teen Shelter/Family House 338-5953
Creeks Lock Road, Bloomington

Midway 189 O’Neil St Attn: Moira Dwyer 339-5508

Midway 3 Warren, Ellenville Attn: S Russo 647-1346

Family’s Food Pantries

Ellenville 14 Church Street 647-2443
New Paltz 51 North Chestnut 255-8801
Woodstock 16 Rock City Road 679-2485

Hudson Valley
Food Bank of the Hudson Valley 534-5344
195 Hudson Street, Cornwall on Hudson Attn: Jess

Rosendale – New Paltz

Food Pantry Attn: Nora Snyder 658-9385
45 James Street www.rosendalefoodpantry.org


Community Action–Food Pantry
83 Center Street 647-6061

Kingston Area

People’s Place 773 Broadway Attn: Peter Quinlan 338-4030

Salvation Army 35 Cedar Street 331-1803 x5

UC Community Action 79 Lindsley Ave. 338-8750 x105
Attn: Suzy Hinchey

St. Simon’s Food Pantry & Soap Closet 331-6796
30 Pine Grove Street Attn: John Boyd

St. Clara’s Point of Praise 243 Hurley Avenue 339-4615
Attn: Sondra Giles

Angel Food East 207 Albany Avenue –St John’s 331-6538
Home delivered meals for HIV/AIDS

Caring Hands at Clinton Ave. Methodist Church
122 Clinton Ave Attn: Pastor Darlene Kelley 331-7188

The Queen’s Galley Attn: Diane Reeder 338-3468
254 Washington Avenue www.thequeensgalley.org

Stone Ridge

Rondout Valley
Christ the King 3021 Route 213 687-4013
Rochester Food Pantry 22 Main Street 626-7501


Saugerties Food Pantry 44 Livingston Street 246-6685
Attn: Marilyn Richardson

Atonement Lutheran 100 Market Street 246-8322
Attn: Lou Vogel


Good Neighbor Food Pantry 679-6610
Reformed Church on Village Green Attn: Thurman Greco

Daily Bread Soup Kitchen 679-2336
26 Mill Hill Road at Christ’s Lutheran Church
www.christwoodstock.org/dbsk Attn: Victoria Langling

Additional Drop-Off & Collection Sites

As of September 28th 2009
Please contact Victoria to be added to this list!

Ulster County Office Building 244 Fair Street Kingston
Attn: County Clerk, Nina Postupack 340-3000

SUNY Ulster – UCC College Student Support Services
VAN 119 Attn: Todd Zeff 687-5197

Marbletown Youth and Recreation Route 209
M-F – 8 -4 Attn: Sandy Damon-Sheeley 687-0800

Ulster County Department of Social Services
Attn: Susan J. Barnes Food Stamp Program Coordinator
1061 Development Court, Kingston M-F; 9-5

HIV Prevention Services Planned Parenthood
6 Van Buren Street Kingston Attn: Jane Elven 339-4020

Ellenville Public Library & Museum 40 Center Street
Ellenville 12428 Attn: Asha Golliher 647-1497

Family Education Program Family Services Inc.
85 Grand Street Attn: Denise Parent 331 5641 x221

Orange County Department of Labor – Orange Works
33 Fulton Plaza Middletown Attn: Bob Mathews 346-1100

West Hurley Public Library 42 Clover Street 679-6405

Catholic Charities Attn: Rhetta Eason
Special Needs Food Pantry 59 Pearl St Kingston 340-9170

St Joseph’s Mission Conifer Lane, Hurley 338-7121

2009 Donations of Dignity PDF

“Basic needs extend beyond food, shelter, and
clothing. We all want to feel good about ourselves;
approach each day with the sense of renewal
that personal care items bring.
The Donations of Dignity Drive affords that
opportunity to so many people in Ulster County.”
~ Jan Whitman
Food Bank of the Hudson Valley

Contact:Victoria Langling
Markertek: 246-3036 x7333

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