Tour de Family Cycle Saugerties 09

Jun 7, 2009

October 4th, 2009
Open hours 12pm – 3pm

Volunteers needed to help on the day of the bike event handing out water and snacks to the road racers, people to register bikers, and we may need some help ahead of time for people to help lay out the mountain bike trail. Call Jess Robie or Michael Berg for information and to sign up at 331-7080

Family of Woodstock, Inc. is sponsoring an Apple/Harvest Festival in conjunction with Tour de Family‟s bicycle event and Saugerties Make a Difference Day.

The Festival will include:
Apple Cider pressing serving hot and cold cider and apple slushies.
We’ll have apples and/or bring your own to press.

October 4th, 2009, 8:30am-3pm, Cantine Field Saugerties more info: 338-2370

October 4th, 2009, 8:30am-3pm, Cantine Field Saugerties more info: 338-2370

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