Thank you to Apple Festival Volunteers!

Oct 15, 2009

Volunteers pressing apples into cider which was donated to local food pantries

Volunteers pressing apples into cider which was donated to local food pantries

Thank you to everyone who volunteered at Family of Woodstock’s First Annual Apple Festival. We pressed 1000 pounds of apples into 50 gallons of cider. Some was sold at the event, but most is in the freezer now awaiting delivery to the Queens Galley food pantry. The Festival was held Sunday, October 4th at Cantine Field in Saugerties, NY. Cantine Field is at the end of Market Street in Saugerties.

Special thanks to Don and Donna Hall and Anne Landfield!

Sunday October 4th 2009, Cantine Field Saugerties, NY
Family of Woodstock is sponsoring an Apple Festival/Harvest Festival
In conjunction with “Tour de Family” a bicycle event and Saugerties Make a Difference Day. We will be working with our farm community and neighbors to preserve locally grown apples and other produce to provide our food pantries, schools, food kitchens and ourselves with healthy local produce through the long winter months. Volunteers are needed to pick apples at our local orchards. Sign up today and you will be notified of dates and locations for apple picking. Donations of apples from farmers, or donations towards apple purchase and tree leases would be greatly appreciated, as well as volunteers to assist with picking and transporting apples prior to the Festival and pressing apples October 4th, 12-3pm. Teams of 3-4 volunteers needed at each of three stations for one hour shifts October 4th from 10am throughout the day until all apples are pressed! Cider will be donated to the local Food Bank, Food Pantries and Soup Kitchens. A wonderful volunteer opportunity for youth and groups! If you can help with these activities please contact Don at 247-8034, or stop by the Saugerties Farmers Market Saturdays through October 3rd, 9am-2pm, Cahill school parking lot at 119 Main Street.

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