Thank you Ghost Walkers!

Nov 4, 2009

Rondout Valley High School Service Learning Project Combines History and Frights to Expand Volunteering Through UlsterCorps

Rondout Valley High School Service Learning Project Combines History and Frights to Expand Volunteering Through UlsterCorps

Thank you to the following businesses and organizations
for supporting the Ghost Walk:

Depuy Canal House
Chefs on Fire
Barking Dog Antiques
High Falls Cafe
High Falls Civic Association
The Rondout Valley School District

Special thanks to the hosts and sponsors
of the Rondout Valley High School Ghost Walk:

The 11th Grade U.S. History students
and Drama Club at Rondout High School
The parents and faculty volunteers in the Rondout school district
Stephen Gilman and Joe Reeder

Ghost Walk High Falls
U.S. History students and Drama Club members offer a good scare—and a fun local history lesson—for the community

Rondout High School 11th Grade U.S. History students were required to study local history. The Drama Club didn’t have a stage for their Fall play. So the students got together and planned a service learning project called Ghost Walk High Falls. The U.S. History students, led by Stephen Gilman, researched interesting people and events from the Hudson Valley and then selected one historic event each around which to write scary historical fiction stories. The Drama Club, led by Joe Reeder, then wove these stories into a script for the Ghost Walk, with scenes featuring such fascinating local history points as Father Jealous Divine, the cult leader who came to prominence in our valley, the mutiny and murder of Capt. Henry Hudson, and the productive and often tragic history of the D&H Canal. Audiences interacted with student actors on the tour on the three nights preceding Halloween, bringing history alive for the students and the hundreds of community members who came out to experience the very spooky and immersive tour. Each night also featured an earlier trick or treat for youngsters, providing an historic and memorable family event for the community. Proceeds of the event benefited UlsterCorps, a new non-profit agency dedicated to connecting volunteers with agencies in need in Ulster County. For more information, contact Stephen Gilman at or 687-2400 ext. 4116.

Original Ghost Walk Post

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