Jul 19, 2009

The SUNY New Paltz Career Resource Center Presents 
Tuesday, September 15, 2009   10:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Lecture Center Lobbies
SUNY New Paltz Campus, New Paltz, NY

Please share your volunteer opportunities with our students and alumni! Visit:
SUNY New Paltz Volunteer Connection

Campus and Community Organizations:
The SUNY New Paltz Career Resource Center is committed to pstudents and alumni with volunteer and service learning opportunitVolunteer Connection is an online resource where you can post your volunteer or service learning opportunities
Don’t let the opportunity pass you by to use bright, enthusiastic SUNY New Paltz students and alumni as volunteers for your organization.

Knowledge, time, and energy of people are a powerful resource in our community. A volunteer works without payment or compensation for services because they choose to do so. Many serve at non profit organizations – but a significant number also serve less formally, either individually or as part of a group. Once you’ve identified a need for volunteers, you are ready to use Volunteer Connection. This online resource will give SUNY New Paltz students and alumni a brief idea of the specific needs.

You can post one time, short term or ongoing projects

Depending on your needs both individual and groups of students can assist with projects

Examples include, but are not limited to, tutoring, mentoring, clerical work, mailing, fundraising or special events that require extra assistance

Service Learning
Service Learning is a teaching/ learning strategy that links learning in the classroom to activities throughout New Paltz and surrounding communities. The integration of community service and instruction is strategically designed to meet the important community needs, improve student learning and foster civic involvement.

Coursework is strategically designed to both meet the important community needs,
to improve student learning and foster civic involvement

The partnerships provide increased productivity and quality of service for
organizations and deeper understanding for the students who participate

Strengthened partnership between the college and the community

The enthusiastic students inspire the community at large to participate in the various
worthwhile events
Over 50 organizations have posted volunteer opportunities for our students.
You can join Volunteer Connection by going to

If you have questions, please contact:
Erica Wagner
Service Learning Coordinator
SUNY New Paltz Career Resource Center

Map of Volunteer opportunities

Volunteer opportunity Map

Find Volunteer Opportunities

Find volunteer opportunities to match your skills, availability and passions.

Find Volunteers

List a volunteer opportunity and find great volunteers by joining our 100+ partnering agencies.

Contact Us

PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331