Rosendale Earthfest and Expo

by | May 3, 2009

Rosendale Earthfest & Expo 2009

Rosendale Earthfest & Expo 2009

Saturday, May 9, 10 am-5 pm: “Many backyards, one world” is the theme of this year’s Earthfest and Expo, with exhibitors and speakers on backyard biodiversity, local food production, water resources, alternative energy, energy efficiency, and green-building. Arm-of-the-Sea Puppet Theater, music by Dog on Fleas, food, crafts, and fun, hands-on activities for all.
Rosendale Recreation Center. Free/donation.
(845) 658-7477.

Volunteers also needed to Help staff Rondout Valley Growers Association table at the Earthfest – work with RVGA staff & members to disseminate information about Agriculture and the History of Agriculture in the Rondout Valley, RVGA, and membership info. Contact: Susan Perrin,, (845)687-0051 or (845)657-5701.

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