Please join New Paltz Garden Club for our fifth annual Plant Swap!

by | May 15, 2009


Date: Saturday, May 16, 2009 rain or shine

Time: 8:00am to 8:45am – drop off plants & get vouchers
9:00am sharp to 9:30am – swap begins!
9:30am until 10:00am – swap continues & sale of extras

Place: outside Deyo Hall (on Broadhead St. between Historic Huguenot Street
and the Rail Trail), New Paltz

For more information call Celeste at 845-797-6653

This event is free and open to the public. Please bring plants and garden
items to swap: seedlings – plants – tools – divisions – seeds – bulbs –
books – vases – garden magazines – houseplants. You will get 1 point for
small plants and seedlings, 2 points for medium size plants, or 3 points for
large or established plants. Extra points given for spectacular items and
rare specimens, at the discretion of plant swap volunteers.

If you don’t want to swap but you have extra seedlings, or plants or other gardening related items you would like to DONATE call 845-797-6653 They will find a good home. : )

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