Helping Hands of NY Food Pantry needs volunteers in Phoenicia

by | May 6, 2010

Dates – 2nd & 4th Mondays of each month.
(The pantry will be closed on Holidays falling on Mondays. Will open the next day TUESDAY)

Location – M.F. Whitney Firehouse rt. 214
Phoenicia, NY 3pm – 7pm.

Volunteers Needed!
We have our food distribution every 2nd and 4th monday of each month. We have to put out about 8 thousands lbs of food in the firehouse on tables and people take what they eat and what their families like as to not just make bags up and food not wanted to get wasted. We start this process around 5:30 am on the Mondays, at 11:00 we all meet at the firehouse and unload the trucks that come in. That is when we need anyone that can help set up with us. We also need help at 6:00 pm to brake down and return anything back into the storage and refrigeration unit that is left over and to pick up the signs that are out for the day. Please RSVP below to volunteer or…

Anyone who can help, or is in need of help please
Call 845-688-9825 or email

Volunteers, donations & people experienced in fund raising Needed!

Special Program for families with children listed below.


Helping Hands is a non profit charitable organization of food collection & distribution for our community. Food comes from various sources in the food industry, like grocery stores, wholesalers, donations from businesses, local organizations, national food banks & government programs, not to forget our generous neighbors and friends of the Catskills. The food is distributed to individuals, families, elderly, homeless and disabled. Our additional goal is to encourage animal sanctuaries and farmers to contact us to pick up anything they can use to feed their stock, food that would otherwise be thrown away. The waste of food is not necessary with the economic problems of today.

We are happy to announce that Helping Hands of NY has distruted over 170 thousand pounds of food since Nov. 2008, providing meals to over 600 people a month. Pet Food is now available for anyone in need.

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