Harvesting a Lifetime Summer Youth Workshop

by | Jul 16, 2009

Harvesting a Lifetime Summer Youth Workshop - Click Play to Watch the Video by Volunteer Youth Mentor Ethan Burwell

July 6th-August 14th 2009
Coordinated by UlsterCorps
Hosted by Second Chance4Me,
Seven21 Media Center, Kingston, NY
Summer 2009

Watch Excerpts from the interviews
created by the students

UlsterCorps expanded Harvesting a Lifetime to include a youth media training program at the Seven21 Media Center in mid-town Kingston. From July 6th-August 14th UlsterCorps will be employing five youth through the Summer Youth Employment Program. The program creates a learning experience in a professional work environment, where youth gain media production and technology skills, as well as workforce skills. UlsterCorps organized volunteer videographers and teachers to train youth in media, editing, interviewing and job-readiness skills working with existing Harvesting a Lifetime footage and interviewing additional seniors. UlsterCorps collaborated with Office of Employment & Training Summer Youth Employment Program, Family of Woodstock’s JustConnect Teen Outreach Program, Second Chance4Me, Seven21 Media Center. If you would like to join our team of volunteer videographers & guest lecturers, please contact Beth at ulstercorps@gmail.com or call 481-0331.

[kml_flashembed fversion=”8.0.0″ movie=”https://www.ulstercorps.org/harvesting/harvesting_workshop.swf” targetclass=”flashmovie” publishmethod=”static” width=”300″ height=”200″ play=”true” loop=”true” quality=”best”]

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Harvesting a Lifetime Summer Youth Workshop - July 6th-August 14th, 2009 - UlsterCorps Volunteer Instructors Ilene Cutler, Lin Sakai, Beth McLendon, Janet Baus, Nan Bress, Nancy Pompeo and Ruthie Staber working with Kirk Berry, Kevin Caputo, David Cory, Alex Simon, Skye Liberace Simon, and volunteer youth mentors Ethan Burwell, Marilyn Chu and Chris Nostrand at Second Chance 4 Me, Seven21 Media Center, Kingston. Also pictured are senior interviewees Tibor Spitz and Susan Demucio. Photo credits: Ilene Cutler, Tania Barricklo and Beth McLendon

Thank you to all our Summer Youth Workshop Participants for your dedication, creativity and curiosity, for learning on the job and sharing that knowledge with each other, and for all your great work!

Summer Youth Workshop Participants:
Kirk Berry
Kevin Caputo
David Cory
Alex Simon
Skye Liberace Simon
Youth Mentors/Instructors:
Ethan Burwell
Marilyn Chu
Chris Nostrand

Volunteer Trainers/Supervisors:
Ilene Cutler, Vision Pilots/UlsterCorps
Beth McLendon, UlsterCorps
Nancy Pompeo, UlsterCorps
Lin Sakai, UlsterCorps
Lou Spina, Second Chance4Me
Ruthie Staber, JustConnect, Family of Woodstock

UlsterCorps Volunteer Nan Bress teaching the Youth Workshop participants editing skills. Photo: Ilene Cutler.

UlsterCorps Volunteer Nan Bress teaching the Youth Workshop participants editing skills. Photo: Ilene Cutler.

Guest Lecturers:
Janet Baus, Communicatrix Media
Nan Bress, Docnography
Peter Darmi, Cloudcap Productions
Henry Ellenbogen, Seven21 Media Center
Nicole Fenichel-Hewitt, Children’s Media Project
Mark Greene, Pecos Design
Melissa Hewitt, Visit Vortex
Eileen McAdam, Sound and Story Project
Ev Mann, Center for Creative Education

Special thanks to our hosts:
Lou & May Spina, Henry, Alice and Jeremy Ellenbogen
Second Chance4Me, Seven21 Media Center, Kingston, NY

And to the seniors who shared their stories

For more information see www.ulstercorps.org/?p=1574
or contact Beth at 481-0331, ulstercorps@gmail.com

Thank you so much to our contributing seniors for sharing their life stories, and to all our volunteers interviewers and videographers. Click above to view excerpts!

Our first crop of Harvesting a Lifetime Ulster County Living History Project excerpts are online! Thank you so much to our contributing seniors for sharing their life stories, and to all our volunteers interviewers and videographers. Click above to view excerpts!

Harvesting a Lifetime is collaborative, County-wide intergenerational oral history project. The project, a collaboration between UlsterCorps and Jewish Family Services (JFS), engages volunteers, from high school age on up, to interview and record the treasured memories, stories and history of seniors from our Ulster County community. Each senior will be given a copy of the interview to share with their family, and excerpts will be published on our website as an online archive of Ulster County oral histories. The project was launched Memorial Day weekend 2009 and in its first month brought together 39 different volunteer interviewers & videographers to interview 68 people at 12 sites around the county. Interviews were held at community centers, churches, synagogues, nursing homes and senior centers in locations throughout the county. From July 6th-August 14th we will be employing five youth through the Summer Youth Workforce Development Program at Seven21 Media Center in mid-town Kingston. Volunteer videographers and teachers will train youth in media, editing, interviewing & job-readiness skills working with existing Harvesting a Lifetime footage and interviewing additional seniors. Additional volunteers always welcome.

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PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331 info@ulstercorps.org