Mushy apples donated by a local orchard, delivered by UlsterCorps volunteers, with a side of stale bread donated by a local bakery
Around Christmas one of our wonderful farmers contacted us to see if we knew of any farms with animals that might be interested in mushy apples & drops from her orchard, not suitable for human consumption but ideal for the animals. Previously, when we had posted about the availability of fresh apples and apple sauce processed by the Bruderhof from apples gleaned from local orchards to the Ulster Human Services listserv, the Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary had responded that if there were any extra their animals would definitely appreciate them. All the apples and apple sauce we had were split among 19 different food pantries and soup kitchens. So we were unable to help the animals at that time, but we instantly thought of them when we heard about the mushy apples. Here is a note from the dear folks at the Sanctuary: “Thanks so much for the apples! As I arrived this morning the pigs were really going enjoying them, and from what I heard, the steer got all frisky after all the yummy apples, too! So we truly appreciate the gift to the critters here.”
The Sanctuary is also looking for volunteers for a Mid-Winter Barn Cleaning as part of MLK Nationay Day of Service, January 18th, 2010.
Feeding time... donated mushy apples and stale bread
Ready, Set...
... Go!!!
Still going...
Clean plate.