Volunteers needed to assist with trail maintenance and wood construction projects on Esopus Bend Nature Preserve in Saugerties. Short one/two hour work sessions, or four-six hour work parties. Weekends and weekdays, times and dates flexible, please indicate your interests and when you are typically available to volunteer. Contact Steve Chorvas at 845-246-5900 or schorvas@verizon.net (email is preferable).
Esopus Bend Nature Preserve is a unique 161-acre preserve located partially within both the village and town of Saugerties along a dramatic bend in the Esopus Creek less than a mile from the Hudson River. We are an all-volunteer organization, and volunteers are essential to achieve our goals. Volunteers have worked to restore the meadow area where visitors can now observe a wide variety of wildflowers, birds and butterflies. Environmental education walks are scheduled throughout the year. Partnering with the Catskill Center and the Saugerties school district, we opened up Esopus Bend as an outdoor classroom for local schools. Whether you would like to be called for a special task, serve on a committee, work outdoors on the preserve, or help in some other way, we would like to hear about you and your interests.
Please contact ecc.saugerties@gmail.com or call 845-247-0664
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