Ellenville Playground is ready to Build and Needs Your Help

by | Apr 14, 2009

Ellenville Playground Build Week. Photo credit: Dianne Krulick.

Ellenville Playground Build Week. Photo credit: Dianne Krulick

From Karri: Thank you for helping to make our dream a reality. The rain did not stop us. The people that came out and worked in the rain are saints. We are 98% done. Just waiting for the wood fiber for ground cover to arrive. The art work will have to wait until we have a few sunny days in a row.

Update 7/9/09: We received another delivery of ground cover July 1 and need volunteers to come help spread it out, finish the perimeter so we can open the playground!

View more photos from Build Week on Facebook.

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We are in need of volunteers to help build the playground from June 10th through the 14th in 2009. This playground is not just for our community but for surrounding communities as well.

We need people to cook pot luck for lunch and dinner, bake goodies for morning munching and desserts, serve food, hand out water, watch the children, record information about the volunteers, and of course help build. There is something for everyone to do.

We are still in need of volunteers in many other areas too. Committee members, fundraisers, bakers, builders, laborers, concession stand operators and others. All high school students will receive community service hours when they volunteer.

Perhaps if you don’t have time to volunteer, you would like to help out by purchasing a sponsorship of which 100% of the proceeds will go to the playground fund.

Ellenville Playground

Ellenville Playground (click to enlarge)

Even if your time limits you to only offering an idea, we’d love to hear from you!!!

Everyone involved will have an important role in the building process!

The Ellenville Playground has been a dream that is about to come true for the children and families in Ellenville. The playground will be built between the baseball field and basketball court at the Berme Road park. The committee as teamed up with KABOOM! (a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing play back into the lives of children) to help create this volunteer-built play space.

Their uniquely designed playground will incorporate features that will allow children with physical disabilities to also enjoy the park. You can view an artist rendering of the design at http://www.ellenvilleplayground.com/id27.html .

Ellenville Playground Build Week Friday June 12th 2009

Ellenville Playground Build Week Friday June 12th 2009

They have been fundraising and have raised $37,000 and have two grant requests out for an additional $30,000. The fundraising will continue and some pieces of equipment will have to wait until funds are available.

The committee message to you:

Come join us June 10th – 14th of 2009.

We can use your help.

Whether you’re able to serve drinks, do some cleanup, carry wood to the builders or if you can build a home we could use your help.

Everybody counts and everybody is important to this project.

So don’t be shy. Fill out the volunteer form and submit it so you can help us make the kids dreams come true.

Ellenville Playground Build Week Friday June 12th 2009

Ellenville Playground Build Week Friday June 12th 2009

And please remember besides all the people we need for build day we are looking for people to help out now.

If you can contribute baked goods, hand out flyers, tape flyers in store windows, help out with tag days, work our bake sale table, or our concession stand anytime from now up until build day please fill out our volunteer form or contact Karri: 845-210-1088 or Tammy: 845-647-2205

Please visit their website: http://www.ellenvilleplayground.com/ to fill out a volunteer form, sign up for a Build Week shift, or learn more about this wonderful community project.

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