Call for Volunteers for the City of Kingston Complete Streets Advisory Council

by | Feb 10, 2011

Last fall the Complete Streets committee of the Healthy Kingston for Kids partnership led by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County educated citizens and Council members about Complete Streets leading to the adoption of the Complete Streets policy. Complete Streets are roads designed and implemented to provide for safe and convenient travel for all users, including walkers, bicyclists, and transit users, of all ages and abilities, including children, older adults, and persons with disabilities.

In November, the City of Kingston Common Council adopted a Complete Streets Resolution, including the call for the formation of a Complete Streets Advisory Council. Mayor Sottile is now issuing a call for volunteers to serve on the Complete Streets Advisory Council.
Concerning the Complete Streets initiative Mayor Sottile noted: “Kingston is at the threshold of greater economic prosperity. I hope interested persons will come forward to be considered for a seat on this Council that will help define ways to enhance and maintain healthy, vital streets that will continue to serve the community well into the future.”

The Advisory Council will be a city resource on active transportation and Complete Streets. The Council will explore the potential to advance Complete Street practices partnering with city staff and area non-profits. This group will: promote education and programs on active transportation; explore goals and indicators for Complete Streets; inventory and evaluate how the transportation network serves users; and provide suggestions of policies and priorities. They will identify projects that help achieve a quality street environment and aid mobility and accessibility. Healthy Kingston for Kids Complete Streets Chair, David Gilmour, AICP, will assist in development of the Complete Streets Advisory Council.

Interested persons are encouraged to review Resolution #196 of 2010 (accessible at the City website: and request an application from Kyla Haber in the City Planning Department, or 845-334-3954 to serve on the Complete Streets Advisory Council. Applications should be received in the office of the City Clerk by Wednesday, February 22, 2011.

For more information on Complete Streets, contact David Gilmour, Chair of the Healthy Kingston for Kids Complete Streets initiative, at 845-255-6528 or, Kyla Haber at the City Planning Department, at or 334-3954, or Kristen Wilson, Healthy Kingston for Kids Project Director at Cornell Cooperative Extension Ulster County, at or
845-340-3990. You can also find more information on the Healthy Kingston website: or

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