Scouting for FOOD 2010

Nov 10, 2010

Each year, Boy Scout Troop 16 of Stone Ridge and other local scouting troops conduct the annual Scouting for Food drive program. A part of our scout promise is “to help other people at all times” and “do a good turn”. Over the next week Boy Scouts from all over the region are going door to door to assist local families in need as a community service project.

Please help us to help those in need by donating non-perishable food in cans, plastic containers, or boxes. All donated items will be picked up next week on Saturday 11/13/2010 between 9am and 12 noon. If the food items are not picked up by 1pm, please call the number listed below. The food collected will be stocked in the Rondout Valley Food Pantry located behind Christ the King Church on Rte 213 near Stone Ridge Orchard.

A list of desirable items includes: Canned meats/fish, canned vegetables/fruit, soups, fruit juice, baby cereal, pasta/pasta sauces, peanut butter, jello or pudding mixes, powdered milk, dried or canned beans, baby formula, rice.

Please leave donated items in the bag you found by your mailbox or wherever the bag was placed. If needed, please use more bags or a box to donate additional food.

If you forget to put your donations outside, they can be brought to Gen-Tech located next to Key Bank in Stone Ridge during business hours, Monday through Saturday. We will bring all food dropped off throughout the year to the local food pantry.

Thank you for your continued generosity and support!

Bill Eggers 389-0158
Troop 16, Scoutmaster

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