RSVP : Open house on Thursday 1/22/09

Jan 12, 2009

RSVP Volunteer Program of Ulster County will host an Open House promoting Volunteerism on Thursday, January 22, 2009 from 9-3:30 at the Business Resource Center in Conference Room 108.

Through RSVP, adults age 55 and older receive unique opportunities to share their life skills and experience to help improve the lives of their neighbors. Now celebrating 30 years of service, RSVP is a one-of-a-kind network that offers adults a wide variety of ways to volunteer, from tutoring and mentoring children, counseling small businesses, assisting at health clinics, to teaching others to use the internet. Other RSVP volunteers distribute food to their community’s homeless or volunteer at a variety of one-time local events.

The RSVP Volunteer Program of Ulster County is funded, in part, by the Corporation for National and Community Service and is a unit of the Senior Service Corps. We are sponsored locally by Ulster County Community College. Other funding assistance has come from the New York Office for the Aging, Robert Wood Johnson, Faith in Action, Ulster County Legislature, Ulster County Tourism and from local businesses. We are members of the National Association of RSVP Directors, The New York State Senior Service Corps Association and the Northeast New York Caregivers Consortium.

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