RSVP Items of Warmth collection

Dec 30, 2009

Join Us In A Day of Service!

RSVP Volunteer Program of Ulster County is Sponsoring an “Items of Warmth” collection.

The cold winter months can be a difficult time for many of our friends and neighbors. As part of the Martin Luther King Day of Service 2010, RSVP will gather items such as coats, hats, gloves, scarves, blankets, etc. for all ages. From now until January 14th you may drop off your new or gently used items to the RSVP offices.

Business Resource Center, just off Ulster Avenue, 1 Development Court, Kingston, NY


Plan on attending the SUNY Ulster Continuing Education Open House on January 14 from 4-7pm and drop your items in the collection box which will be located in the front lobby!

RSVP of Ulster County is Sponsored by SUNY Ulster Community College

And is part of the Continuing and Professional Education Department

Business Resource Center, 1 Development Court

Kingston, NY 1240l

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Life’s most urgent and persistent question is: what are you doing for others?”

This coming January 18, Americans across the country will answer that question by joining with their neighbors to serve their communities as part of the Martin Luther King Jr. King Day of Service. During his life, Dr. King challenged us to build a more perfect union and taught us that everyone has a role to play in making America what it ought to be. Forty years later, we still have work to do to realize Dr. King’s dream of equality and opportunity for all. The needs are great, many Americans are hurting, and government can’t do it alone. We need citizens to help renew our nation though service – on the King Holiday, and throughout the year.

As part of his United We Serve initiative, President Obama is calling on Americans to make the King Holiday ‘a day on, not a day off,’ and to make an ongoing commitment to service. Through service, we can help realize King’s dream and build America’s new foundation. Service on the King Holiday is not just an appropriate way to honor Dr. King, it is an important opportunity to bring in new volunteers and partners to support your organization’s work throughout the year.

Catherine E Canzian
Catherine E. Canzian, Director
RSVP Volunteer Program Of Ulster County
(Part of the Senior Service Corps a Division of
Corporation for National & Community Service)
409 Development Court
Kingston, NY 12401

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