R.E.S.T. respite program seeks volunteers

Oct 8, 2018


Is it difficult to find someone to stay with your loved one at home while you take a few hours for shopping, reading, exercise, a doctor’s appointment or lunch with a friend?

We may be able to give you a hand!

The Ulster County Office for the Aging and Jewish Family Services has brought REST (Respite Education and Support Tools) to Ulster County.

Our screened and trained respite volunteers are ready to assist community members for short periods of social respite. Our volunteers offer caregivers time to complete activities, secure in the knowledge their loved one has a friendly visitor with them at home.

Program made possible through support from Federal III-F, NYS Office for the Aging, NYS Caregiver and Respite Coalition and the Ulster County Office for the Aging.

Allow our volunteers to become supportive members of your caregiving circle

Consider becoming a respite volunteer and join us at one of our monthly trainings!

For additional Information about This program or other CareGiver supports please Call
Ulster County Office for the Aging 
(845) 338-2980

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PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331 info@ulstercorps.org