Project Hope Women’s Mentoring Orientation 1/31

Jan 22, 2009

Saturday, January 31st from 10am -11:30am
Business Resource Center on Ulster Avenue, Kingston
Project Hope is the new women’s mentoring program recently established by HOPE’s Fund, a United Way collaborative. The program is intended to provide support, guidance, and financial assistance to “Associates”, women who are ready to begin the journey to self-sufficiency. There is an orientation session on Saturday, January 31st from 10am -11:30am at the Business Resource Center on Ulster Avenue (next to the Department of Social Services) for all Associates (and Mentors). Childcare is also available if people pre-register their children so that we have adequate coverage. Please pass along this exciting opportunity to the appropriate staff, and consumers. The orientation is an informational session only, and does not commit the person to participating in the program. All inquiries can be directed to the Project Director, Leslie Malin at 845-338-2980.

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HOPE’s Fund
A women’s fund, administered by United Way, to provide help, opportunity, passion, and empowerment to women in Ulster County through the development of special projects. PROJECT HOPE, a women’s mentoring and financial assistance program, to be launched September 2008, is the first project of HOPE’s Fund.

In 2009, Project HOPE will be matching two groups of Mentor / Associate partners. There will be ten mentor-pairs in each group for a year total of 20 mentor-pairs.
We hope that YOU, and others you know, will be inspired to join us on Saturday, January 31st from10a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (snow date, February, 7th )for our Orientation Presentation for both prospective Mentors and Associates. The Orientation will present in detail What Project Hope Mentoring is, Who would be candidates as Mentors and as Associates,When the project will begin and How the mentoring process is designed to insure success, growth, and learning for both Associates and Mentors.

Read on for more detailed information:
Project Hope

Here’s some information to help you to decide if becoming a Mentor or an Associate is something that “feels right” for you.

The first group of 10 Mentors and 10 Associates will be matched and prepared to work together by March 2009 . Several months later we will match and train the second group of 10 mentoring pairs.

We welcome a diversity of life experience, family background, sexual orientation, ethnicity, education, work and/or volunteer experience and religious affiliation.

We would be thrilled to be able to include all who apply. However we are limited to twenty (20) Mentors and twenty (20) Associates this year. We are committed to making the best matches possible between Mentors and Associates to ensure utmost success.

The matching process is as follows: Interested women are requested to fill out an application. These will be available at the Orientation meeting or when you call us to register,and upon request.

All applications are reviewed by the program coordinators at Jewish Family Services. Upon review, potential Mentors and Associates will be invited to join us for a more in-depth personal interview.

To become an Associate, you must be at least 18 years old, there is no upper age limit for applicants. Our first commitment is to select Associates who have overcome adversity and are ready to use and build upon the support, structure, knowledge & wisdom of a Mentor . Associates should be prepared to commit at least 12 hours a month. The more time and energy you put into this experience, the more benefit you will receive.

This program is offered to ALL women. However, it is not for active addicts or persons currently involved in a violent partnership or other domestic abuse. If you have suffered with addiction you must be in recovery for a year and a half. If you have experienced domestic abuse, you must be in a safe and stable situation for at least a year. Project HOPE is not intended as a therapeutic program . However, should problems resurface during your Mentoring year, we will assist you in getting to the help that you need.

To become a Mentor , you must be at least 30 years old and want to make a significant difference in the life of another woman. We estimate that this role could take up to 12 hours a month between mentoring sessions, group supervision, and whatever additional work/training is required.

All applicants will be contacted and informed after the screening interviews about our selection decisions.

Once matched, a day of training will be scheduled with specific morning breakouts for the Mentors and for the Associates. The afternoon will be an exciting Visioning Experience in which each Mentoring pair will define and launch their work together!

Please contact us by email: or Call our office: 845-338-2980 to register for the Orientation Meeting and to request the Mentor/Associate Application.

We are very excited about launching Project Hope and sharing the future with you

Thanking You in Advance,
Leslie Malin , LCSW, ACSW
Executive Director
Jewish Family Services

Judith Bromley, MS, RNC
Project Hope Coordinator
Jewish Family Services

P.S. Know others who might be very excited about this opportunity? PLEASE forward this email, or print it out and share with your friends, family, colleagues, & clients.

P.P.S. We can’t wait to have you join us on January 31st !

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