Videography/Photography Opportunities

Arts Society of Kingston

Arts Society of Kingston

Arts Society of Kingston 97 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 Hours: Thurs - Sun 12 - 5 PM Volunteers are an invaluable asset to Arts Society of Kingston. Not only do volunteers bring new ideas, they keep our space in order, and the vitality flowing! If you have a skill or...

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Woodstock Land Conservancy seeks volunteers

Some of the many areas we need the help of volunteers are: Trail Monitoring / Stewardship Help with Land Protection - Easement Monitoring Administrative Assistance Photography / Videography Assistance with Special Events Assistance with Monthly First Saturday On the...

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Harvesting a Lifetime Ulster County Living History Project

Click on a thumbnail above to watch a different excerpt Learn more about Harvesting a Lifetime and the Summer Youth Workshop. Thank you so much to our contributing seniors for sharing their life stories, and to all our volunteer interviewers and videographers. New...

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Harvesting a Lifetime Summer Youth Workshop

July 6th-August 14th 2009 Coordinated by UlsterCorps Hosted by Second Chance4Me, Seven21 Media Center, Kingston, NY Summer 2009 Watch Excerpts from the interviews created by the students UlsterCorps expanded Harvesting a Lifetime to include a youth media training...

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Volunteer opportunity Map

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PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331