Tutoring Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer with the New Paltz Youth Program!
Volunteering is not only a fulfilling way to spend your spare time, but it can also help build a resume or fufill community service hours for school or court. The NPYP participates in most town events including the Taste of New Paltz, Unity In Diversity Festival, 4th...
Plattekill Library needs volunteer mentors, storytellers, youth volunteers and more!
For more information on these programs, visit our website at http://plattekill.lib.ny.us. Anyone interested or who has more questions may email Mary at plattekill@optonline.net or call 883-7286. 1 Homework Help Mentor. This position requires a person with the...
OCFS Commission for the Blind and Visually Handicapped seeks volunteer readers
Volunteers needed to read to the blind and visually handicapped. A wonderful opportunity for youth and students! For more information contact UlsterCorps at 481-0331. CBVH offers an array of programs to help individuals who are legally blind achieve economic...
Ulster Literacy Association Tutor Training
Share the power. Make a difference. Teach an adult to read. Ulster Literacy Association New address as of 10/1/2009: 480 Aaron Court, Willowbrook Park, Kingston, NY 12401 info@ulsterliteracy.org www.ulsterliteracy.org will train you to tutor literacy skills....
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PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331 info@ulstercorps.org