Special Event Planning Volunteer Opportunities

Holistic Health Community Health Festival
The Holistic Health Community is thrilled to announce our first Harmony in the Park: A Holistic Health Festival will be held in Kingston, NY on Saturday, [...]
Volunteers are needed to help produce the WinterFest Fundraiser for the Rosendale Street Festival.
The event will be taking place on Saturday, February 13th from 12noon-10pm. Rosendale Recreation Center, 1055 Rte 32, Rosendale Map Volunteers are needed for set up, greeters, food service, raffle tickets sales, parking and clean up. There is great music all day:...
Thanksgiving Events – Donations of goods or time needed!
Consider Volunteering Thanksgiving Week at Queens Galley We have begun to receive calls about our annual celebration for Thanksgiving. We encourage new volunteers to consider coming out to give a hand either the two days before the holiday or the day after. There are...
Woodstock Animal Sanctuary plea for Volunteers!
We are putting out a special, important plea for Volunteers on specific days coming up this weekend. They are: Friday, October 16th, 2009 Saturday, October 17th, 2009 and Monday, October 19th, 2009 This weekend is our big ThanksLiving benefit, on Sunday. We have...
Volunteers needed for Rondout Valley High School Ghost Walk of High Falls Service Learning Project
Volunteer greeters and coordinators needed October 28th-30th, 5-10:30pm www.highfallscivic.org or call 845-399-9300 for more info. Ghost Walk High Falls Tours will be at 6pm and 8pm on Wed., Oct. 28th, Thu., Oct. 29th, and Fri., Oct. 30th, and will start in the...
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PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331 info@ulstercorps.org