Special Event Planning Volunteer Opportunities

Holistic Health Community Health Festival
The Holistic Health Community is thrilled to announce our first Harmony in the Park: A Holistic Health Festival will be held in Kingston, NY on Saturday, [...]
One Voice for Haiti – 50+ volunteers needed!
One Voice for Haiti Friday, April 23, 7 PM to Midnight Back Stage Productions, 323 Wall Street, Kingston, NY Proceeds Benefit the Haitian People’s Support Project and the families of Boukman Eksperyans Advanced Ticket Sales: www.haitiansupportproject.org Here's how...
Legendary Haitian Band Boukman Eksperyans To Headline “One Voice For Haiti†Music and Dance Party
Proceeds Benefit the Haitian People’s Support Project and the families of Boukman Eksperyans Friday, April 23, 7 PM to Midnight Back Stage Productions, 323 Wall Street, Kingston, NY Advanced Ticket Sales: www.haitiansupportproject.org *****************************...
UlsterCorps Volunteer Orientation + Open House
Please join us for a Volunteer Orientation + Open House at our Storefront for Service Sunday March 21st, 2010, 3-5pm Saturday April 17th, 2010, 3-6pm 292 Main Street, Rosendale - Map RSVP on Facebook RSVP on VolunteerMatch Please join us for our monthly Open House at...
Hudson Valley Hunger Banquet – Volunteers Needed!
Hudson Valley Hunger Banquet Sunday, March 28, 2010 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Back Stage Productions (BSP), 323 Wall Street, Kingston Free admission for volunteers! Volunteer Orientation/Dress Rehearsal Saturday March 20th, 12-1pm at BSP. Call 481-0331 or email us to RSVP....
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Contact Us
PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331 info@ulstercorps.org