Mentorship Volunteer Opportunities
OCFS Commission for the Blind and Visually Handicapped seeks volunteer readers
Volunteers needed to read to the blind and visually handicapped. A wonderful opportunity for youth and students! For more information contact UlsterCorps at 481-0331. CBVH offers an array of programs to help individuals who are legally blind achieve economic...
Big Brothers Big Sisters Seeks Mentors
Big Brothers Big Sisters, as well as many other non-profit agencies across the state and country, are feeling an increase in the need for our services. Now more than ever we need volunteers. For only 8 hours a month, a child's life can be changed and...I promise..your...
Save Them Now seeks Board Members & Mentors
Save Them Now is seeking 1 to 3 new board members, including a treasurer. Keeping our books is pretty simple at this point, but someone needs to do it. Our treasurer just took a job over by the Connecticut border, so he's no longer going to be available. The board of...
Everette Hodge Mid-town Community Center seeks volunteers for Rewards for Excellence
The Rewards for Excellence Program meets every Friday evening at the Everette Hodge Mid-town Community Center from 6-9:30pm. Volunteers are needed to work with mid-town youth teaching computer skills, life skills, leadership & interview skills, cooking and more. Guest...
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PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331