Mentorship Volunteer Opportunities
Mentors Needed for Project HOPE!
Want to Make a Real Difference in Someone's Life? Project HOPE, a new mentoring program that is having great success, is recruiting women mentors to work with women ages 18-65, helping them to achieve their vocational goals. Matches are made based on mutual interests,...
CCE’s RAPP (Relatives as Parents) program seeks support group volunteers
Job Description for RAPP Volunteers About RAPP: RAPP, or Relatives As Parents Program, is designed to provide support and education to families raising children who are their relatives. There is a support group every month along with different activities and trips....
Snowboard/Self-Awareness Program seeks volunteers
The Snowboard Outreach Society runs a Learn to Ride program with Hunter Mountain. This program is offered to children at risk, between the ages of 10 to 18. The cost per child is $75 for five Saturdays. Clothes, equipment, snowboard instruction, and lift tickets are...
Ulster County YouthBuild seeks mentors
Ulster County Youth Build seeks volunteer mentors to work with youth 16-24 years old. 2 hours a month face to face, 2 phone calls per month, 15 month commitment (9 months in Program + 6 months after graduation). Mentor would have to attend a 4 hour training and...
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PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331