Mentorship Volunteer Opportunities
Kingston Boys & Girls Club seeks tutors
Kingston Boys & Girls Club is seeking 2-3 tutors for 1-2 days a week each between the hours of 3-5pm to assist with homework help, especially with reading comprehension and math for youth ages 8-15. Tutors ages 16 or older welcome. If you’re interested please Dennis...
Family of Woodstock Hotline Training
Family of Woodstock's 34 hour volunteer training will be beginning in October. Come and learn how to use your skills for listening and compassion for the well being of yourselves and your community. It's a fun place to volunteer and we are currently in need of more...
Kingston Parks and Recreation and Kingston Cares seek volunteers for drop in after school program
Kingston Parks and Recreation and Kingston Cares are looking for volunteers to assist with the drop in after school program at the Everette Hodge Community Center. The program runs Monday-Friday, 2:30-5:15pm. The following volunteer positions are available: Front Desk...
Rondout Neighborhood Center Summer Building Blocks Program is looking for volunteers
The Rondout Neighborhood Center Summer Building Blocks Program is looking for volunteers interested in working with Kingston Youth this summer. The program is open to teens ages 12-18, Monday-Friday from 1:00-5:00pm at the Rondout Neighborhood Center. The summer...
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PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331