Mediation and Legal Volunteer Opportunities
Ulster CA$H Coalition seeks volunteer tax preparers
ULSTER & HUDSON VALLEY CA$H COALITION SEEK VOLUNTEERS PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The Hudson Valley CA$H Coalition works to provide low income individuals and families free and reliable tax preparation services to ensure they claim all the credits and refunds to which they...
Ulster County Dispute Resolution Center Seeks Volunteer Mediators to Provide Service in Court and Community Mediation Programs
The Ulster County Dispute Resolution Center is currently recruiting new volunteers for its Court and Community mediation program. DRC mediators currently provide service weekly in the Kingston City Court, as well as many other town and village courts throughout the...
Legal Services of the Hudson Valley seeks attorneys for pro bono work
Legal Services of the Hudson Valley seeks private attorneys who are willing to take a pro bono civil case in Ulster County. You will be able to obtain CLE credit for doing so, while providing valuable legal assistance to those in need. Before sending you a case, we...
Ulster County Dispute Resolution Center Basic Mediation Training
The Ulster County Dispute Resolution Center is seeking new volunteers for its Court and Community mediation programs. The first step in becoming a community mediator is to attend our 32 hour training program: Principles of Basic Mediation The next training will be...
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PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331