Heavy Lifting Volunteer Opportunities
Farms to Food Pantries Pickup & Delivery
The apple sauce made from apples donated by local orchards, gleaned by a fabulous team of volunteers, and processed by our wonderful friends at Woodcrest is ready for pickup and delivery to local pantries and soup kitchens! We have also gotten calls about fresh apples...
Apple Gleaners needed 12/4 in Clintondale
Just when we thought we'd wrapped up our seasonal gleaning project for 2009 (thank you again to everyone who helped out!!), we got a call from a wonderful local grower who still has apples on her trees she's willing to donate! Gleaning Volunteer gleaners needed to...
People’s Place Holiday Toy Program
People's Place runs a holiday toy program in mid December where we allow low income Kingston area parents, to shop for free toys for their children, in our thrift store. In this way, the holiday gifts come from the parents, hopefully empowering the parents. We will be...
Esopus Creek Conservancy Work Party
Esopus Creek Conservancy will host a work party for Saturday, November 14th . The work party will start at 8 am and go until noon. We will meet at the Shady Lane entrance of the Preserve. The work party will involve trail maintenance and staging of construction...
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PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331 info@ulstercorps.org