Heavy Lifting Volunteer Opportunities
Esopus Creek Conservancy seeks volunteers for trail maintenance and wood construction projects
Esopus Creek Conservancy is an all-volunteer land trust located in Saugerties, NY. We own and maintain Esopus Bend Nature Preserve, a 160-acre nature preserve located in the Village and Town of Saugerties, along a dramatic bend in the Esopus Creek, less than a mile...
Work Party for Esopus Creek Conservancy
A Call to All Volunteers for Trail Maintenance. The Stewardship Committee is pleased to announce their first work party of 2010 to be held on Saturday March 13. It will start at 9 am and workers will meet at the Shady Lane entrance of the Esopus Bend Nature Preserve....
Hudson Valley Hunger Banquet – Volunteers Needed!
Hudson Valley Hunger Banquet Sunday, March 28, 2010 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Back Stage Productions (BSP), 323 Wall Street, Kingston Free admission for volunteers! Volunteer Orientation/Dress Rehearsal Saturday March 20th, 12-1pm at BSP. Call 481-0331 or email us to RSVP....
Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary Mid-Winter Cleaning
Monday January 18th, 2010, 11am-5pm 35 Van Wagner, Willow, NY (7.2 miles west on 212 from Woodstock) . Map Volunteers of all ages needed to assist with a Mid Winter Cleaning at Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary. We'll be cleaning our two biggest barns, the pig barn and...
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PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331 info@ulstercorps.org