Farming and Gardening Volunteer Opportunities

Mohonk Preserve Volunteer Orientations and Trainings
Join us at Mohonk Preserve’s 2025 Volunteer Orientations. View the schedule and register here for one or more of our informative and engaging in-person and virtual orientations. Our [...]
Healthy Kingston for Kids Garden Committee Seeks Volunteers
A Healthy Kingston for Kids Garden Committee is forming for 2010 and seeks volunteers to help build community and school gardens, among other tasks. To get the project rolling, committee co-chairs Julie Noble, environmental educator of the City of Kingston Parks and...
Think Spring! Winter Lectures For Home Gardeners Returns in 2010
“Four fun and informative seminars to choose from†Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County Master Gardener Program will once again offer a series of workshops during February and March to help the avid home gardener get prepared for spring. Classes will be...
FREE Workshop for Solar Farmers Coming to New Paltz
A free workshop for Solar Farmers will be held at The Terrace at SUNY New Paltz on Friday, February 5 from 2:00pm – 6:00pm. Highlights of the program will include presentations on designing and installing solar electric (photovoltaic) systems, financing your project...
Farms to Food Pantries – Multi-County Apple Gleaning
On October 12th and 27th, UlsterCorps volunteers participated in a region-wide gleaning initiative. Stiles Najac, Food Security Coorindator for CCE Orange, contacted us about a farmer in Columbia County who was willing to let us glean at his orchard. We put together a...
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PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331