New Paltz Recycling Center seeks artists, gardeners & more

May 6, 2011

Artists, Organizers, Tradesman lend us your hands! The New Paltz Recycling Center has opened up storage trailers with reusable materials and needs volunteers to organize materials, put up displays, and paint signs. We also need a new look for the “bus” (stenciling and touch up paint) We need Gardeners too. Our beds have been hibernating all winter! It’s time to start composting, and getting the gardens ready. Demonstration gardens include rain garden, native garden, veggies, xeroscape, and yardscape. All ages welcome. Please bring gloves and work clothes. Volunteer hours 9am to 3pm Tuesdays – Saturdays at Clearwater Rd, New Paltz at the Recycling Center RSVP 845.255.8456

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