MidWay Transitional Living Program

Feb 12, 2009

Appeal to help homeless youth as part of Do1Thing.org Valentine’s Day Initiative
from Michael Berg, Executive Director, Family of Woodstock

See below if you are interested in making a similar appeal on behalf of another agency

Dear Friends,

Throughout the country, there is an initiative, “Do One Thing”, aimed at helping homeless youth on Valentine’s Day. I am writing to ask you to help save Family’s transitional living program, MidWay, a program which targets homeless youth 16-21 who have no family supports and who are not yet prepared to live on their own. The program serves six adolescents and when necessary three infants in each of two sites, one in Ellenville and one in Kingston. Many of the youth served by this program are struggling with such issue as significant mental health disabilities, substance abuse and involvement in the criminal justice system.

The program has been especially effective in part because it is not a “mental health”, “substance abuse” or “criminal justice” program. You can imagine how hard it would be for a 17-year-old to accept the label of “crazy”, “druggie” or a “criminal” that would come with entering a program which had an official designation. And yet, of the one hundred and eighteen youth served in the last three years, 51% received mental health counseling while in the program, 45% participated in drug treatment or 12-step programs, and 35% addressed their legal issues while in the program. Virtually all of the youth resumed, continued, or completed their education, and gained life and vocational skills while in the program. In fact, half of them had full- or part-time jobs when they left the program.

The reason that the program is in jeopardy is because it lost a federal a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services of $200,000 per year. The program has successfully competed for this grant since it first opened with the grant in 1992. However, there has not been an increase in funding for transitional living since 1994 (a small increase was voted last year, but was put on hold by the last administration). In past years, there was an annual competition for these transitional living monies. This year, only 28 of these programs were funded in the country, and we were informed that there will not be a new opportunity to seek these funds until 2012 because the Department used up the monies at a faster rate than was originally budgeted, because there is such need. As a result, in order to keep MidWay alive, we will either need to make up $200,000 a year for each of the next four years or convince the federal government that these urgently needed programs must be better funded.

In the spirit of “Do One Thing for Homeless Youth”, I am asking you to e-mail or write one or more of the following legislators and tell them that we cannot lose a generation of homeless adolescents and that the money we will spend to pay for their incarceration, their institutionalization, or to place them in a facility will cost much more than the funds needed to keep these programs alive. To this point, we are getting six applicants for every bed that opens in the program. Given the current economic condition, the likely survival of these homeless youth will be in even more jeopardy than it has been to date. I cannot imagine how many applicants we will have in a year.

Below find a link to the “Do One Thing” initiative and suggested important legislators that should be approached. FAMILY is extremely proud of the accomplishments of the young people who have resided in the MidWay program. By all accounts, the program has been a great success and forms a significant portion of our county’s safety net for young adults.

Thank you for your consideration and help.

Best regards,

Michael Berg
Executive Director
Family of Woodstock

Drastic legislative budget cuts have been proposed by Governor Paterson that would eliminate some re-granting bureaus that many of our local services agencies depend on. This year Ulster County agencies will now be competing with each other more than before for reduced sources and amounts of funds. We invite all Ulster County agencies to post letters to this site regarding budget cuts they are facing, and will add those letters to the site as they are received. If the agency you support is not listed, please consider contacting them to see what types of budget cuts they may be facing (and if possible, please report back to us so we can share this information too).  Don’t be surprised to hear that it could be 50% or more of their total operating budget. The good news is that the final bill has not been voted on yet. There is still time for your concerns to be heard and acted upon. Here is a link of contact information for legislators.

Suggested Legislative Contacts

Related Sites:

Do One Thing
More than 25 Pulitzer-winning photojournalists and some of the most recognized names in photojournalism have come together to put a “face” on teenage homelessness while asking you to put a “face” on activism and do “1 thing” to help.

Suggested Legislative Contacts

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