The Eat Local Challenge

May 14, 2009

Join the Third Annual Eat Local Challenge in 2009! We officially begin on June 30th, ending on September 30th. If you would like to take on the Challenge with the support and comradery of a group, become a member and join our email list. You will be informed of local events, gatherings and current harvests.

Membership is free. All that is needed is a pledge to your commitment of eating locally grown and raised foods throughout the peak of our region’s growing season. And, as a member you will then be eligible to participate in all Local Food potluck gatherings including our end of the season Local Food Potluck at the Tour de Farms!

You may choose the challenge radius of 30 miles (all sources listed on this website are within 30 miles!) or expand your personal challenge radius to 100 miles.

For more information visit or call 845- 255-2749

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PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331