Let’s Move Ulster

Dec 13, 2011

Thanks so much to all the volunteers and everyone who participated in the first Let's Move Ulster event!

Thanks so much to all the volunteers and everyone who participated in the first Let's Move Ulster event!

Join us and be part of Ulster’s first ever initiative to get our youth and adults moving and healthy again.

@ Dietz Stadium, Kingston NY – June 21st – 6:00pm

To find out more about First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Initiative, visit www.letsmove.gov.

Watch for upcoming locations, dates and times where Drew, Energy Dance Company and other fitness instructors will teach the “Beyonce-Let’s Move”dance.

Search Youtube.com for “Let’s Move” to see and practice Beyonce’s dance on your own.

Our goal is to have 400 or more participants join us in this intergenerational event, so save the date. Volunteers are needed! If you’d like to help out please contact UlsterCorps at volunteer@ulstercorps.org or 845-481-0331

Thanks so much to all the volunteers and everyone who participated in the first Let's Move Ulster event!

Thanks so much to all the volunteers and everyone who participated in the first Let's Move Ulster event!

Check out the Center for Creative Education’s instructional video of Beyonce’s “Move your Body” video


For more information, contact Drew at drew@cce-kingston.org.

“Making Ulster County the healthiest county in New York State takes a community effort, so I commend Drew Andrews from the Center for Creative Education in Kingston for taking the initiative to make Let’s Move Ulster a reality,” said County Executive Mike Hein. “Everyone who attends Let’s Move Ulster at Dietz Stadium on June 21st will have fun while getting exercise. Dancing is a great activity, and this event is moving Ulster County in the right direction.”

Daily Freeman article:
Kingston dance event part of fight vs. obesity

Healthy Ulster County Network:

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PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331 info@ulstercorps.org