Hudson Valley Materials Exchange seeks volunteers

Mar 7, 2009

Hudson Valley Materials Exchange is in desparate need of volunteers to help us finish our move. Help moving materials, painting inside of storage trailers, outreach and fundraising are needed. Our most immediate need is help moving materials and painting.

Volunteers greatly needed in April –
please help us finish our move by helping us unload the last of rented trailers so we can begin paying the Town rent
special thank you to John Boniello for helping us get our bus on the road & Alan Stout & Jim Fawcett for their help in unpacking us


Earthday Sale – Wed 4/22 – Sat. 4/25
22% off all our stuff for sales at least $5 after discount & sales tax
can’t get to the sale? – online gift certificates purchased on sale days are eligible for this discount & redeemable any time
last sale til the June Summer Solstice
more info:, 845 567 1445

Used Paper Sought – our source of used (printed on one side) copy paper at Minolta in Goshen has dried up but the Town & Village are ready to implement a project to use as much used papar as possible in their daily administration – please join us in identifying additional sources so we can continue this precedent setting project. Paper must be in good enough shape to go thru a copier unfettered

Non profit resource for used/surplus Arts, Education & Building Materials rescued from the commercial wastestrea .

Jill Gruber, Executive Director
Hudson Valley Materials Exchange
845 567 1445

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PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331