Holiday Help + Toy Drives – Ulster County 2009

Nov 29, 2009

People’s Place Holiday Toy Program
People’s Place runs a holiday toy program in mid December where we allow low income Kingston area parents, to shop for free toys for their children, in our thrift store. In this way, the holiday gifts come from the parents, hopefully empowering the parents. We will be looking for help to set up the toys in Mid December and for volunteers to work as personal shopping assistants. More info.

UlsterCorps Coat + Winter Wish List Drive
From November 12th- December 6th, UlsterCorps will be collecting donations of new or gently used coats, suits, hats, mittens and other agency wish list items for those in need in our community. Donations to local Holiday Toy Programs will continue through December 20th. Volunteers welcome to assist with compiling, updating wish lists and transporting donations to local agencies. 481-0331.
More info

Greater Hudson Valley Toy Drive 2009
Saturday December 5th from 1pm 5pm
Join Kiss96FM along with Mid Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union, Ruges Subaru and Guardian Self Storage for the annual Greater Hudson Valley Toy Drive on Saturday December 5th from 1pm – 5pm at The Hudson Valley Mall, Kingston, The Poughkeepsie Galleria, Galleria at Crystal Run, Middletown
Your donation of a new unwrapped toy can be dropped off prior to the Greater Hudson Valley Toy Drive at:
Mid-Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union locations in Kingston, Red Hook, Saugerties, Poughkeepsie, Highland, Newburgh and Middletown
Ruge’s Subaru on Route 9G, Rhinebeck
The Greater Hudson Valley Toy Drive benefits Hudson Valley agencies.

Toys for Tots
12/20/2009, 12:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Hudson Valley Mall Food Court, Kingston
Join 92.9 WBPM in supporting those less fortunate in our area. They will collecting toys from noon to 4 PM for Toys for Tots. Find them near the food court.

Holiday Mail for Heroes
The Holiday Mail for Heroes program, sponsored by the American Red Cross and Pitney Bowes Inc., offers Americans the chance to send holiday greetings and thanks to active U.S. military personnel and veterans. The program will deliver your bought or hand-made cards to military bases and hospitals, veteran’s hospitals and other locations in the U.S. and abroad during the holidays. More info.

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PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331