Help Wanted at Family

Jan 18, 2009

Volunteering at Family has tremendous benefits: It’s a great way to get to know people in your community. It’s a chance to learn new skills while making a difference. It’s a way to contribute where you live. Ready to get started? Here are a few ways you can help out:


Open to all 16 and over
Call 845-679-2485 to find out more and schedule an appointment

Are you that person who people turn to in a pinch? Do your friends say you are a good listener? Family of Woodstock can help you expand your skills and enrich your life experience. Working as a hotline volunteer, whether on the telephones or with our new texting crisis line, is an amazing experience. You know that you are truly helping your neighbors when you volunteer with Family. We offer a willing ear, a compassionate heart, access to resources and skilled crisis intervention –as well as day to day help with food, free clothing and household items for families in need.

Training covers issues like child abuse and domestic violence, suicide and mental health, addiction and homelessness. Our skilled trainers guide volunteers as they develop the skills of active listening and crisis intervention. Our paid staff and volunteers continually find and share valuable resources in Family’s ever-growing database of help.

It has become clear that, as more people text as their essential form of communication, there is a large and growing part of the population who will not pick up the phone to call for help until their problems are overwhelming. Family wants to be more available to teens and twenties who are more comfortable texting about their issues than calling. In early 2016, the Woodstock Hotline will launch TextMeBack and the center is looking for new volunteers to help with this effort. Family always needs volunteers, but we hope you will consider joining us at this exciting time.

For more information call 845 338 – 2370, e-mail, or stop by 16 Rock City Road in Woodstock.

Do you have a pickup truck or van, are you able to make a weekly commitment to Family, and the ability to lift boxes of food? If so, we could use your help picking up food donations in Ellenville, delivering them to Family of Ellenville sorting and stocking them in our food pantry.

Community Service Hours
Volunteer as a family or with friends
Meet new people
Make a huge difference in someone’s life

Skills Needed (not all at once required)
Friendly and outgoing
Ability to lift boxes of food
Sorting and stocking pantry shelves
A Truck or Van! (that’s a bonus)

Interested in helping FAMILY with Food Pickups?
Call Dominic @845-647-2443
or email

FAMILY is in need of volunteers to assist with reception at our Administrative Offices at 39 John Street in Kingston, greeting walk-in clients during our staff-person’s lunch break, and Wednesday mornings during case conference. If you are available one or more days a week from 12-1:30pm, or Wednesdays 10am-1:30pm, and would like to help out, please contact Beth at 331-7080 x157 or email


FAMILY staff always need help getting information filed on the computer, creating data bases, making copies and stuffing envelopes for mailings. If you like office work, we could use some of your time. If you have any graphics skills that would be a plus!

Community Service Credits
Know that you are improving our efficiency
Enable counseling staff to do what they do best

Skills needed
Good with computers
Well organized
Follow directions
Graphic Design experience

Interested in helping at FAMILY’s Woodstock Office?
Call Sue or Tamara @ 845-679-2485
or email

One of the ways FAMILY supports its services is by hosting and working at fun events. Sign up for any of our terrific events that meet your schedule-and enjoy the event! Help staff a booth at concerts and community events or park cars at large outdoor venues. You can sell tickets for our Quackstock Rubber Duck Race, or our annual Big $$$ Raffle. Plenty of opportunities!

Free Admission to the Event
Work with friends and family members (we love your teens!)
Earn Community Service Credits
Know that you are helping people in need

Skills Needed
Friendly and outgoing
Able to follow instructions

Interested in our Events Team?
Call Sue or Tamara @ 845- 679-2485
or email

Thinking of volunteering but don’t want to make a weekly commitment? Pick a Food Drive! FAMILY has monthly food pick-ups, scheduled food drives at Hurley Ridge Market, the annual Postal Food Drive, Yom Kippur Food Drive and MORE!

Last year FAMILY’s Woodstock Food Pantry fed more than 1,000 families

Community Service Hours
Volunteer as a family or with friends
Meet new people
Make a huge difference in someone’s life

Skills Needed (not all at once required)
Friendly and outgoing
Ability to lift boxes of food
Sorting and stocking pantry shelves
A Truck! (that’s a bonus)

Interested in helping FAMILY’s Food Pantry?
Call Sue or Tamara @845-679-2485

FAMILY is selling on eBay! We often receive unusual donations which can attract buyers online. Help us build a regular income stream to support our services. If you would like to be one of our eBay sellers, we’d love to have you! We’ll provide the brief training you will need.

Pick items you are excited to sell
Work from home if you like
Earn Community Service Credits
Feel the GOOD selling for FAMILY

Skills needed
Comfortable using a computer online
Able to write enticing ads for our items
Good organization and follow
Able to make a 6 month commitment

Interested in becoming an EBAY SELLER?

Call Sue or Tamara @ 845-679-2485
or email

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PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331