Green 2010 Conference

Dec 3, 2009

5th Annual Green Buildings & Energy Conference:
Education & Workforce Development
for the 21st Century Economy
December 4th, 2009 9 am – 4:30 pm
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies Millbrook, NY

Sponsored by the Hudson Valley Regional Council,
the Environmental Finance Center at Syracuse University, & Schein Media Green Business+Careers

Join regional leaders for a working conference on linking business, education, local government, workforce training and community development.

· Presentations and panel discussions will feature emerging trends, case studies, roundtable dialogue and networking opportunities, focusing on the energy efficiency, green buildings, solar energy, water, local food and sustainable agriculture sectors. We’ll provide an overview of training, education and workforce development programs and discuss how these programs can be tailored to fit the region’s economy.

· The program will highlight job-creation opportunities for organizations, businesses, and local government in the Hudson Valley region, and introduce examples from other areas in NY State where public-private partnerships are working to address these opportunities.

$75 including lunch. Register now – space is limited. Visit or call 845-564-4075 for more information.

Speakers and panelists will include Vince Cozzolino, The Solar Energy Consortium; William Schlesinger, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies; Wayne Williams, U.W. Marx Construction; Jonathan Schein, ScheinMedia; Paul Mankiewicz, Gaia Institute; Lisa Cleckner, Syracuse Center of Excellence Frank Surdey, NY State Dept. of Labor; Rick Alfandre, Alfandre Architecture & US Green Building Council NY Upstate Chapter; Simon Gruber, Hudson Valley Regional Council; Tom Bregman, Antioch New England Graduate Center; Judith LaBelle, Glynwood Center; Chris Marx, SUNY Ulster; Richard Altman, Dutchess County Workforce Investment Board; Virginia Stoeffel, Dutchess Community College; Jeff Rumpf, Hudson River Sloop Clearwater; Eric Steinman, Edible Hudson Valley; William Makofske, Ramapo College; Hanah Ehrenreich, CNY Works; Melissa Everett, Sustainable Hudson Valley; Alan Berkowitz, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies; Mark Thielking, Town of Bedford; Martin Ping, Hawthorne Valley Association; Stephen Mitchell, Sullivan County Community College; Guy Jones, Blooming Hill Farm.

Co-sponsors include Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Sustainable Hudson Valley, US Green Building Council NY Upstate Chapter, Syracuse Center of Excellence, Building Performance Contractors Association of NYS, Mid-Hudson Energy $mart Communities, Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, Edible Hudson Valley, Hudson Valley Smart Growth Alliance.

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