CCE Apple Gleaning Volunteers needed Nov 5-15th!

Oct 15, 2009

300 people showed up to harvest for the hungry.  We picked 62 bins of apples on Veteran’s Day. . .roughly 62,000 lbs!

300 people showed up to harvest for the hungry. We picked 62 bins of apples on Veteran’s Day. . .roughly 62,000 lbs!

Note from Stiles, 11/13/09: Saturday’s gleaning has been cancelled. Those that were scheduled for Saturday are invited to come on Sunday. I will be at the orchard from 10-4 on Sunday. I know that this means some of you won’t be able to make it and I am sorry (we’ve always got next season!)
If you forwarded this to other email lists or know of others who were planning on coming to glean tomorrow, please let them know it’s not gonna happen.

Volunteer gleaners needed to pick apples at a farm in Warwick, NY. Ulster volunteers are welcome and encouraged to bring boxes of apples to local Ulster pantries. Stiles from CCE Orange will be happy to work with groups any day November 5th-15th. She will have boxes, bags and bins for the apples and water for volunteers. Any group interested can contact Stiles with questions or to set up a time to glean. FYI-gleanings usually last two hours.

Thank you so much to Liz, Katherine, Rik & Susan for participating in our tri-county apple gleanings these last weeks, and to the wonderful folks at Montebello Farms for your generous donation!

How many bins?!

Stiles R. Najac
Food Security Coordinator
Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange County
Cell: (845) 800-2056

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