Gleaning Opportunity with RVGA

Nov 3, 2009

Tomorrow, Wednesday 11/4/09 we have an opportunity to glean some of the last of this year’s harvest. We need at least 6 people to help.

Sorry for the short notice but if you would like to participate, please call Susan at 845-657-5701. We will be meeting at 9am at Bruce Davenport’s Farm (not the fabulous farmstand- but stop by there for directions if you need them).

Our program has gathered 20,000lbs of food this year and fed many hungry people in our area. If you have the time, please come out and enjoy this fine weather while sharing community service with us.


Gleaning is a process where people go into fields and gather produce that is left normally to be plowed under for compost. This is an ancient practice, that RVGA has updated to help feed the hungry people of our region. We distribute gleaned produce to local food pantries and soup kitchens such as Queens Galley in Kingston, .

Bruce & Barth Davenport’s Farm is down rt. 209 from his fine Farmstand. Please contact RVGA at or at 657-5701 for more exact directions or stop by his stand tomorrow morning and tell the staff that you are volunteering for RVGA’s gleaning efforts and need directions.

Dress weather appropriate, bring what you need for a couple of hours of outdoor work.

Thanks so much for your interest!

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