From the Ground Up – Soup and Bread Discussion 3/14

Mar 11, 2009

From the Ground Up
A Wellness Program with its Roots in the Garden
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Please join us for a Soup and Bread Discussion
How does your School or Community Garden Grow?

March 14th 11:30 – 2 PM
Stone Ridge Community Center
Route 209 across from Key Bank

Soup’s on 11:30 till 12:00
Meeting starts promptly at noon

If you would like to share about your school or community garden project
Please sign up for a 10 minute slot

First priority will be given to those who came to the last meeting and did not get to share,
or who had limited time to share. We would love to hear from everyone!

Child care will be provided
Please forward this message to anyone you think will be interested.

For more information or to RSVP please call Nicci at 845-687-4124 or email her at

From the Ground Up
A Student-Centered Wellness Program with its Roots in the Garden

This past summer at Marbletown Elementary School, in Stone Ridge, NY we started an edible garden, and it has blossomed into an incredible opportunity for change. Parents, teachers, students, administrators and staff have become involved in composting, recycling, and eliminating plastics and recyclables wherever possible, and we’re initiating a farm-to-school food program. We are also developing a multidisciplinary curriculum which uses the garden as an outdoor study area where students can learn through hands-on activities about math, science, history, and The Arts. Our goal is to have gardens, healthier food, and an environmental curriculum at all of the Rondout Valley Schools within the next three years.

Some of Our Goals Include:
Having a garden at every school in the Rondout Valley CSD within the next three years
Increase students’ awareness of food and connection to nature
Consistently provide fresh local produce in the cafeterias
Working with local farmers to provide produce to the schools(RVGA)
Understand & utilize our connection to local farming
Students are caretaking, harvesting, cooking and eating produce in the garden
Integrating environmental and garden curriculum in all schools
Raising awareness around sustainability and “wellness”
Introducing more comprehensive recycling in the schools, including composting for the gardens
Eliminating Styrofoam and unrecyclable plastic in all cafeterias
Connect garden with existing woodland area and butterfly field at MES
Create a small orchard at MES
Plant shade trees and build more natural play settings on the playground
Build an outdoor study area which includes science garden, picnic tables and benches
Have similar garden projects at every school in the district
Define what wellness means for RVCSD, and work with the administration to implement programs in all schools
Host seasonal celebrations with school & community
Build From the Ground Up website and blog site
Work with County and State to establish a Wellness and Garden Program that can be brought to other schools
Write a ‘how to’ guide for garden, wellness program and curriculum
Product Development
Community outreach

What is Wellness?
At Marbletown Elementary we have defined Wellness as the health and well-being of our children, staff, building and grounds, local community and global community. We are working to provide healthier lunches and snacks, ample opportunities for physical activity, exciting hands-on environmental curriculum based in the garden, composting and recycling. We are also planning field trips to local farms and dairies, so students can learn where our food comes from and get to know the people who grow it in our community.

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PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331